黃琮瑜,一九七七年生於香港,在香港中文大學完成計算機科學碩士課程,後獲英國文化協會獎學金赴倫敦藝術大學坎伯韋藝術書院完成數碼藝術碩士,以優等級別畢業 (Distinction)。黃琮瑜的創作範疇為繪畫及數碼藝術。在繪畫方面,黃琮瑜早年於香港中文大學藝術系習畫,專注當代水墨的探索。在數碼藝術上黃琮瑜則致力開拓程式編寫及新媒體應用的可能,並着重數碼技術及中國文化的揉合,自2005年起成爲首位從事數碼水墨創作的藝術家。黃琮瑜為推動數碼水墨創作,將多年技術結合開發大千水墨繪畫軟件(Pure ink),公開讓大眾下載使用。軟件網址:。
Wong Chung-yu was born in Hong Kong in 1977. He received his Master degree of Computer Science in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Later on he pursued a Master of Art degree in Digital Arts in The Camberwell College of Arts of The University of Arts London with scholarship from The British Council and graduated with Distinction. He remains active in the realms of Painting and Digital Art. For Painting, Wong studied painting in the Fine Art department of CUHK and continues his exploration particularly in the area of Contemporary Chinese painting. In the field of digital art, Wong attempts to extend the possibility of programming and multimedia application. He particularly focuses himself on the harmonization of digital technology with Chinese context and he has been the first artist to explore digital ink art since 2005. To promote Digital Ink Art, Wong integrates the technology he has applied on his arts before into a painting software of ink art, called Pure ink, with Chinese name 大千水墨. It is a freeware and open to the public for use. It is available at
Wong’s art works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen (深圳), Wuhan (武漢), Macau, New York, Norway, and Australia. His ink painting has been selected by the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China and further highlighted for the final exhibition in Beijing. Wong’s paintings and digital arts are collected by the Hong Kong government (Hong Kong Museum of Art), the Chinese government (Hubei Museum of Art 湖北美術館), art organizations (Museum of M+, the University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong), and collected privately.
Besides visual arts, literature also plays an important role in Wong’s art. Wong wrote fiction. His short stories were published in literary magazines in Hong Kong and won merit awards in The Youth Literature Award 2003 (青年文學獎) and The Chinese Creative Writing Award of Hong Kong 2002 (香港中文文學創作獎). His major works include the novel of “Perhaps” and “The Lawra”.